Local businesses/organizations are invited to donate to the 3rd Annual Meals on the Bus, by following the bus on given days to do small, quick games, hand out books, or other enrichment items/activities. Monetary donations may also be made to purchase items such as additional enrichment items as the summer moves forward. Groups/individuals are welcome to help pack weekend bags as well as passing out bags each Friday. Biggest need at this time is having 50 totes or heavy duty laundry baskets to collect food drive items. Also asking for help to make kick-off date Friday, June 1st at the Firefighter’s Memorial Park from 11:30am- 1:30pm a big event. All welcome to set up table/boot at the kick-off event. Please provide a “swag” bag to give away and an activity to get the kids/parents involved. Children AND adults will be given a meal at the kick-off. Deadline to join is Friday, May 25th. If interested, email beth.meredith@grayson.kyschools.us. Meals provided on first come, first serve basis. Meals will be the same for all children, regardless of race, color, national origin, sex, age or disability and there will be no discrimination in the course of meals service.

- This event has passed.