All events for Kentucky Evangelistic Gospel Music Fellowship August Meetings
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Kentucky Evangelistic Gospel Music Fellowship August Meetings
Greetings Family of God and Friends! The Kentucky Evangelistic Gospel Music Fellowship will be having 2 Gospel Music gatherings in the month of August. The first one will be on August 6, 2022, at Hardee’s just off of Hwy 231 at Morgantown, KY at 6:00 PM beside the Morgantown Bank, and the second Gospel Music gathering will be at McDonald’s just off of Hwy 231 in Beaver Dam, KY on August 13, 2022, at 6:00 PM. If you are a…
Find out more »Kentucky Evangelistic Gospel Music Fellowship August Meetings
Greetings Family of God and Friends! The Kentucky Evangelistic Gospel Music Fellowship will be having 2 Gospel Music gatherings in the month of August. The first one will be on August 6, 2022, at Hardee’s just off of Hwy 231 at Morgantown, KY at 6:00 PM beside the Morgantown Bank, and the second Gospel Music gathering will be at McDonald’s just off of Hwy 231 in Beaver Dam, KY on August 13, 2022, at 6:00 PM. If you are a…
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