Grayson County Senior Citizens Center reopens soon


The Grayson County Senior Citizens Center (GCSCC) will soon reopen after being closed since the coronavirus pandemic struck the area in March 2020.

GCSCC officials said the facility will reopen July 6.

“State mandates are being lifted in June, but we have some things to do before we can reopen. We have to clean and disinfect everything, get supplies restocked and prepare for all those smiling faces,” center officials said.

GCSCC attendees will not be required to wear a mask, but “there may be some who come who may want to continue to wear a mask, for their own personal reasons … (and) we will accommodate them,” officials noted.

Beginning July 6, the center will be open from 8:00 a.m. until 2:30 p.m. Monday through Friday.

People who qualify for the GCSCC meals program include:

  • Those 60 and older
  • The spouse of someone 60 and over
  • A disabled son or daughter who lives with a person who is 60 or over
  • A disabled resident who lives in a housing complex where a senior center is located
  • A volunteer who provides any services at the center

The dine-in serving time will be 11:30 to Noon. Drive-thru meals will continue to be available at this time on Monday through Friday; however, pick-up time will be between Noon and 12:30 p.m.

The meals are free, but the suggested donation is $2 per meal. All donations, though, are voluntary.

By Ken Howlett, News Director

Contact Ken at