Kentucky price gouging hotline activated


With Kentucky currently under a state of emergency, Attorney General Russell Coleman announced the activation of the Attorney General’s Price Gouging Hotline.

Coleman encourages any Kentuckian who suspects price gouging to report it online or by calling 1-888-432-9257.  A team of attorneys, investigators and staff with the Attorney General’s Office of Consumer Protection will review the complaints to determine if price gouging has occurred.

Kentucky law defines price gouging as a grossly excessive charge – more than 10 percent above the price prior to the emergency declaration – that is not related to higher costs to the seller.

Goods and services covered by Kentucky’s price gouging law include food, gasoline, shelter, transportation, emergency cleanup, and repair or reconstruction services like tree removal.

“When disaster strikes and Kentuckians are concerned for their families’ safety, no one should have to worry if they are being taken advantage of. Our office is determined to protect hardworking Kentuckians and send a message to predatory businesses,” Coleman said.

By Ken Howlett, News Director

Contact Ken at