Grayson Co. Sheriff’s Office announces 2023 Deputy of the Year


Grayson County Sheriff Norman Chaffins announced Thursday the deputy selected 2023 Deputy of the Year.

At Thursday’s Fiscal Court meeting, Chaffins said Deputy Sean Fentress and his K-9 Zeus were selected for the honor by their fellow deputies and supervisors.

Fentress graduated from the Department of Criminal Justice Training in Richmond in early December 2019. But Fentress didn’t merely graduate, the 2011 Grayson County High School alum graduated at the top of his class in the academic portion of his training and additionally received a leadership award.

“Sean has really gotten off to a great start at the sheriff’s office, and Zeus gets better every time; every time they make a stop,” Chaffins said. “They’ve gotten a lot of drugs off the street, and we’re very thankful to have Zeus and Sean as his handler. So, congratulations to Sean.”

Zeus, an East German Shepherd, began his service with the sheriff’s office in late February 2022 after the K-9 officer and Fentress were certified in narcotics detection.

By Ken Howlett, News Director

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