Western Ky. elected official accused of misappropriating funds


An elected official in Graves County has been accused of misappropriating funds.

An investigation by Kentucky State Police led to the indictment of Graves County Property Valuation Administrator (PVA) Howell Carr who allegedly authorized individuals who were not PVA employees to receive benefits from the office, including cell phones and fuel credit cards.

Carr was found to have misused over $10,000 in funds, according to Kentucky State Police.

The investigation additionally uncovered evidence that a Mayfield resident, Karla Renkoski, was complicit in the misuse of a portion of those funds. Renkoski is not an employee of the PVA’s office.

The investigation, which included an examination of multiple years of business records and financial documents, began in June when auditors discovered several questionable and improper disbursements made by Howell, Kentucky State Police said.

On Tuesday, a Kentucky State Police investigator testified before a Graves County Grand Jury, which resulted in Carr being indicted for abuse of public trust (over $10,000), a class C felony. Renkoski was indicted for complicity to abuse of public trust (less than $10,000), a class D felony.

They were served with criminal summons on Wednesday.

(Photo: Howell Carr, courtesy of Facebook)

By Ken Howlett, News Director

Contact Ken at ken@k105.com