A renowned Kentucky Bigfoot hunter will be at the Grayson County Public Library on Saturday.
Charlie Raymond, founder of the Kentucky Bigfoot Research Organization and a Kentucky Bigfoot Fields Research Organization (BFRO) investigator, will host the free event where he will discuss and provide information on Bigfoot sightings in Kentucky in a one-hour multimedia presentation suitable for people of all ages. Raymond also encourages anyone who thinks they may have sighted the creature to share their stories at the event.
He will have with him on Saturday Bigfoot foot and hand casts originating in Kentucky.
The presentation begins at 11:00 a.m.
Raymond, who describes himself as a “passionate, die-hard, boot-on-the-ground researcher,” has been studying Bigfoot in Kentucky for over three decades and “has interviewed over 400 credible eyewitnesses,” he said. He leads numerous private and public expeditions and has acquired a wealth of knowledge and purported evidence in the process.
His Bigfoot expertise has led Raymond to appear on The Animal Planet, The History Channel and the BBC. Additionally, he is a sought-after speaker at libraries and Bigfoot conferences throughout Kentucky and neighboring states.
The Kentucky Bigfoot Research Organization website, KentuckyBigfoot.com, has detailed explanations and information on reported sightings in Kentucky, including comprehensive witness statements.
Bigfoot sightings, according to KentuckyBigfoot.com, have taken place in 96 of Kentucky’s 120 counties. Sightings, according to the website, have been most prevalent in Anderson (16), Carter (15), Henderson (13), and Daviess (12) counties.
Sightings recorded on the website detail 27 from bordering counties, including eight in Edmonson and Ohio, five in Hardin, and three in Breckinridge and Hart. No sightings are listed for Butler County.
Bigfoot in Grayson County
Grayson County has two Bigfoot sightings detailed on the website, including an eyewitness account by a teenager in April 2010 off Lilac Road near Rough River Lake.
Below is the information on the sighting, provided by KentuckyBigfoot.com:
Witness statement (edited strictly for grammar):
I was driving a golf car down a gravel road at our lake house on Rough River Lake. I happened to look down the hill and I saw a black creature I would’ve guessed to be around 7-8 feet tall with glowing yellow eyes. The previous few days I heard screams from a farm that was close to the spot where I saw the creature. I have driven through the area many times since then and have not seen anything, but I have heard the screams a couple of times.
Raymond wrote the following on the encounter at KentuckyBigfoot.com after a follow-up interview with the witness in June 2011:
I spoke (to) the 14-year-old witness over the phone. He said the creature was standing by the edge of the forest, approximately 40 yards away from his stopped golf cart.
It was about 8’ tall, very muscular, very “strong-looking.” It had long, matted black hair covering its entire body, except the face. The face had black skin, big lips, big nose, very large brow and a yellow shine to the eyes. When I asked him if they were glowing, he said no, “more of (a) yellow reflection.”
Hair covered the hands and he could not see the feet clearly. It turned slightly and looked to its right, then back at the witness – it repeated this several times. Then it turned and walked 30-50’ into the woods. It actually did a slight u-turn at one point but never looked back. It walked gracefully, not fast, not slow. The arms swung slightly by its knees. “It walked hunched over a little, like it was walking on its tip toes.”
The odor was noticed 30 seconds before he obtained a visual. It was a heavy, foul-smelling stench. The vocalizations heard the previous two nights sounded like a moan-howl, almost like an animal in distress.”
The other Bigfoot sighting in Grayson County noted at KentuckyBigfoot.com occurred in the mid-1970s near Nolin River Lake.
In total, there are 314 eyewitness accounts of Bigfoot sightings in Kentucky at KentuckyBigfoot.com.
Raymond’s book, Bluegrass Bigfoot: Encounters With The Kentucky Wildman, is available on Amazon and will be available for signing at the library.
By Ken Howlett, News Director
Contact Ken at ken@k105.com