Eastern Ky. city councilman removed from office after uttering racial slur during meeting. Explains, ‘but you know, this is eastern Kentucky.’


An eastern Kentucky city council member has been removed from office after uttering a racial slur during a meeting.

The Salyersville City Council voted to remove Colin Ray Jackson, who used the slur at an October 18 meeting.

Mayor Pete Shepherd said he sought advice from the League of Cities and asked Jackson to resign, but he refused.

“It was terrible. There’s just no place for that anywhere, especially in public meetings or anywhere else, in private or anywhere else,” Shepherd said.

Jackson said he did not mean to offend anyone.

“I didn’t mean to offend nobody, but you know, this is eastern Kentucky, Magoffin County,” Jackson said. “It was a slip of the tongue. I didn’t mean anything by it.”

The council voted Tuesday to unanimously to remove Jackson for misconduct after another councilman resigned because he did not want to vote against Jackson, the ousted councilman and the mayor said.

(Photo of Colin Ray Jackson courtesy of WYMT.com)

By the Associated Press and Ken Howlett, News Director