Video of 6-year-old girl being dragged 1,000 feet by school bus released in Jefferson Co. civil trial


Video of a school bus dragging a six-year-old girl for about 1,000 feet was released at a civil trial in Jefferson County.

The lawsuit was filed against the school bus driver, Melissa Sanders, as well as Jefferson County Public Schools. Sanders was terminated after the incident for not following protocol by watching the child exit the bus.

The video, from inside the school bus, shows the child walk down the bus steps, with her backpack becoming stuck in the double doors as they closed. Sanders never looks toward the child and drives away. A student was standing in the aisle next to Sanders as she dragged the girl the length of three-plus football fields.

The child, identified as A.R. in the lawsuit, suffered severe nerve damage and post-traumatic stress disorder and had to have several surgeries, reports.

The incident took place in 2015.

To view the video click here. Warning: The video is disturbing.

By Ken Howlett, News Director

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