GCHS Ag Department’s herb garden benefits community


An herb garden has brought together two Grayson County High School Career and Technical Education programs for a learning opportunity that will impact GCHS and extend beyond to the community.

The Agriculture Department’s greenhouse class constructed the raised bed after spring sales slowed down, providing a variety of herbs raised in the greenhouse for the school’s Culinary program.

The garden, filled with regularly used classroom herbs of basil, rosemary, parsley, and garlic has been served up in teacher lunches. Its bounty will also be featured in final exams, which will replicate the popular Cooking Channel “Chopped” kitchen, complete with surprise ingredients.

The Ag Department has also partnered with Community Action this year to provide produce to its clients in an effort to increase food security by planting their own gardens.

These kinds of collaborative projects allow students to see their efforts in action, and how the fruits of those can be utilized in so many ways by so many different people.

Grayson County Schools