Guthrie Announces PPE Grant for West 84 Volunteer Fire Department


WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman Brett Guthrie announced a personal protective equipment (PPE) grant for West 84 Volunteer Fire Department in Hardin County.

The volunteer fire department is being awarded a $4,115 Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) grant to purchase PPE to reduce the risk of COVID-19 exposure during medical runs. Guthrie voted in favor of federal funding for first responders to purchase PPE in the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, which is being used for the local fire department’s grant.

“As our first responders work to protect us, they should also have the personal protective equipment to protect themselves from COVID-19,” Guthrie said. “Funding from this federal grant will help provide necessary PPE for firefighters serving in West 84 Volunteer Fire Department. While PPE is effective in preventing the spread of the virus, vaccines will help ultimately defeat COVID-19. I encourage firefighters to get vaccinated to help protect themselves and their community from COVID-19.”

U.S. Congressman Brett Guthrie’s office