Two men have died in a plane crash at the Henderson airport.
Kentucky State Police and federal officials are investigating a small, fixed-wing aircraft crash at the Henderson City-Henderson County Airport. Troopers were notified at 7:40 Wednesday morning by Henderson County authorities after airport workers found the wreckage at approximately 7:00.
The plane crashed sometime between 11:00 Tuesday night and early Wednesday morning, according to police. The Henderson airport shuts down operations overnight, and the nearby Evansville, Indiana airport closes at 11:00. Air traffic is then transferred to Indianapolis airport officials. Kentucky law enforcement have contacted Indianapolis airport officials to determine if they have information that may help in the investigation.
Police said the plane crashed into a field, about 50 yards off the side of the mile-long runway.
Kentucky State Police investigators believe they know the identities of the two men killed but are not yet 100 percent certain. It is believed, though, that the two victims are not from the area. The bodies have been removed from the scene and taken to Madisonville for autopsy.
Federal Aviation Administrator investigators arrived on the scene at about 12:30 Wednesday afternoon.
The airport is closed to normal operations until further notice.
(Photo courtesy of the Henderson Gleaner)
By Ken Howlett, News Director
Contact Ken at ken@k105.com or 270-259-6000