Curtis Grant announces candidacy for 5th District Magistrate


As a life-long resident of Grayson County, Curtis Grant said that he is proud to announce his candidacy for Magistrate of the 5th District. He has filed his letter of intent and he’s received confirmation from the Kentucky Registry of Election Finance.

In a statement, Grant said his only desire is to make Grayson County a better place to live, now, and for future generations.

“I will not make any campaign promises (other than to regularly attend the monthly fiscal court meetings),” Grant said. “I don’t think any candidate can honestly say what he or she will or won’t do until they gather information and learn the duties and laws which magistrates must abide. I am not a politician, but I have become frustrated (as have many of my constituents) with ‘good ole boy politics’ that seems to be so prevalent in Grayson County. I am running on the Republican ticket, but I do promise that I will represent every person in my district regardless of party affiliation.”

The majority of Grant’s work life has been in manufacturing, primarily in the maintenance field, he said.

As a former maintenance manager at Gates Rubber Company, Grant says he has first-hand experience developing and maintaining a three-to-four million dollar budget. While at Gates, he sat on the Elizabethtown Industrial Foundation Board and served as a committee chairman on the Elizabethtown Industrial Foundation Training Consortium.

He says his “experience will help me make sound, effective and economical financial decisions for the 5th district, and for Grayson County. My 25-plus years of experience in manufacturing will also enable me to help guide and pursue more industry for Grayson County, as well as retaining and building the remarkable industries we currently have.”

Grant said he was lucky enough to marry his lifelong friend, Carla Braun Grant, over 25 years ago. They, along with their sons, Connor and Corey, enjoy participating in the many community events in Grayson County, Grant said.

His parents, the late Carlous and Rita Grant, owned Grant’s Market in Peonia for many years, and Grant said “the years working in my family’s business, taught me a good work ethic and to always conduct myself with integrity.”

Grant ended by saying, “As I stated earlier, I am not a politician and don’t plan on being one. I want to be a good neighbor and serve my community to lead Grayson County to a brighter future. I appreciate your support.”