LG&E, KU and ODP expand suspension of disconnects to business customers


(LOUISVILLE, Ky.) – As Louisville Gas and Electric Company, Kentucky Utilities Company and Old Dominion Power continue work to assist customers in the wake the of ongoing uncertainty around the impacts of COVID-19, the utilities today announced an expansion of their efforts. To help ease some of the challenges faced by businesses across their service territories, LG&E, KU and ODP are suspending disconnects and waiving new late fees for all business customers until at least May 1.

The move by the utilities further applies assistance efforts that began Monday, as it was announced LG&E, KU and ODP are temporarily suspending disconnects and waiving late fees for residential customers who may have difficulty paying their bill during this time.

The utilities’ vice president of Customer Services, Eileen Saunders, says the hope is that the expansion of the policy will both assist all customers in managing through this difficult time and help, in small part, to protect the local economy from the impact of the ongoing crisis.

“We appreciate the contributions, economic value and character local businesses bring to our communities and, just as our residential customers, we know they’re struggling,” said Saunders. “We hope this policy will give them a bit of relief as they continue to try and navigate the uncertainty now and ahead.”

Realizing that many customers may be changing their daily routines and interactions, the utilities are reminding customers of their multiple payment options including online at lge-ku.com, by phone or mail.  LG&E, KU and ODP encourage customers to contact their respective utility, where customer care representatives are prepared to work with them to establish payment arrangements and connect them with available resources to help. In addition, each customer is encouraged to pay as much as possible even if unable to pay the entire account balance.

Customers can also address a variety of other needs through the utilities’ website or automated voice system. Currently, all LG&E, KU and ODP business offices and facilities remain open and in operation. The drive-through windows offer a safe way to interact with customer care representatives. For those who walk-in, extra precautions have been established inside the centers to protect employees and customers including sanitizing common areas more frequently, adding more sanitizing dispensers and installing plastic shields to minimize contact.

Release by LGE, KU